Lesson 4 was yet another engaging lesson filled with interesting presentations from my fellow classmates. Totally enjoyed all their presentation and admire them for the great effort put in. Although I haven't presented yet, I can already sense n feel the huge amount of effort one need to put in for the presentation. So, dont worry guys, I'll do my utmost best for my presentation in week 10. Seems quite long from now but it's going to come soon...
At the start of the lesson, Prof Shahi talks about the driver of world change. There are the environmental drivers, scrientific, social, demographic and many more drivers of change in the world. I believe that globalization is a main big driver of world change. As prof mentioned, we all need to adapt to change and be the forefront of change. We cannot remain complacent and live in our own world, we need to be aware of what is going on in the world, what is changing, what is the newest trend and we have to capitalise and adjsut ourselves to the change. There are two types of change, 'Evolutionary' and ' Revolutionary' changes. Evolutionary is just a small incremental change, like improving of things. For example, the ipad did a evolutionary change to come out with ipad 2. Revolutionary change is different, it is a big destructive change, something radical. For example, the introduction of ipad,tablet pc compared to laptops. Small portable on the go size tablet doing almost all the capabilities of the traditional laptops. Smartphones are also a big revolutionary change from the past. I remember ten years ago, I had my first handphone. It was a no colour, just black n white phone which can only do the basic messaging and calling. Now, with the smartphone, we can surf the net, and do so many more functions and applications we can ever imagine. The challenge now is, what's next? What is going to be the next revolutionary change of handphones? But no matter what is the case, I'll be more than prepared to adjust myself to it. *Iphone 5 is coming out in Oct...Cant wait...haha.
The next part of the session is about Change management and Change leadership. Prof Shahi showed a very interesting video of leadership. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU7dxkIz1Vs I found the full video of it in the facebook page. This is extremely funny and interesting video about this guy dancing. The idea behind it is that the leader must step up and be daring to do things differently, revolutionary. It is not easy to get people to follow u and agree with u. But u must perserve on and continue and once people slowly understand, they'll follow u and more and more people will start to join u, just like herd mentality. I think this works the same for many inventions and innovations. At the start, it is not easy to put across ur 'radical' innovation idea but as a leader, u must have the guts and drive to carry on. It is also important that u have a wingman, someone who is like your bestman who can aid u and help to manage ur innovation idea. A leader give the vision but the manager carries out the change. In the slides, there is a Pessimism- Time Curve. When I see that graph, I find that it works the same like in a relationship. At the start of the relationship, everything is honeymoon, so u'll feel very happy n optimistic. then gradually u'll find problems with each other and u'll reach the informed pessimism stage. Then after you overcome ur problems and get to know each other more, you'll reach the informed realism and u'll slowly be on yr way to happiness. If only realationship can be happy and optimistic all the way... ok this is not related to technology world change...
This week presentations are very well done. I gave 10 points for two persons' presentations (other than the fact they are my good friends), but they gave really intriguing presentations. Deco presented first about social media. Although he speaks with an accent which I dont really catch at times, I think his efforts are still commendable. His presentation is really long. But I do agree with his points of how social media are changing the world now. Our class is using facebook as discussion and I'm writing this blog so that other people can see and comment. There's a point I would like to highlight is that businesses are using social media to promote their business and services. This is exceptionally useful for businesses especially new start ups with low capital. Sometimes on facebook, I would see my friends advertising their newly opened blog shop. With the internet and social media, businesses can be started out with very low capital, the introduction of blogshops. I believe the trend to go for business is online business. With the low start up capital and wide network of the internet, it is very conducive for business start ups. I do hope I can start my online business soon... Gan Kee Lui presented next about Energy change. Something interesting I picked up is this 'Speed Hump' idea. This is extremely cool if a car can charge up its electricity by going past a hump. Sounds like those car racing crazy games. Just wondering how would it actually work...
Personal rating for this session is 9/10 again. Great class. Look forward to the next lesson!
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