Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Lesson 9: Emerging and Future Technologies

Hey it's finally my turn this week to present to the class and the topic this wk is emerging and future technologies. When I was choosing through the list of topics to present, this topic caught my eye immediately. Future and emerging technologies...hmmm... must be something cool,fun,fascinating and I can present on something wild and crazy! So I went to search online for interesting topics...all kinds of amazing stuff pop up and I was spoilt for choices on topic to present. Eventually, I found this emerging innovation that I like, Surface computing. I read up lots more about it and spent TWO whole days to come up with the slides,ideas,script,rehearse etc... Lots of effort put in because I really want to give a good interesting presentation to the class rather than just a simple normal one. And here goes! I really hope my presentation is good and feel free to let me know if there's any area where I can improve on. This is my first presentation so far in SMU! So I really need as many pointers as I can get.

Ok back to discussion of lessons by prof, today he showed us many future emerging technologies videos. I was quite impressed by some of them and some look really high tech and cool. For example the first video on claytronics. The concept look so futuristic like how is it going to reaally happen. But I believe it's still possible in the future, who knows what may happen! In the future, we may be travelling with transportation? or flying cars? This flying cars is discussed in my research essay. I think it'll be so cool to travel in flying cars. I can just zoom over to school in less than 5mins? how convenient and time saving is that. Prof also showed us a video about AI robot where these 2 guys created the 'perfect woman' which is a AI robot. This 'perfect woman' can massage you n talk to you and understand you. It sounds like so cool but in my opinion I still feel no matter how 'real' the robot is, it can never replace human and the way we interact. I can't imagine dating a robot girl, like it's so weird. At least to me for now, I dont know what may happen in the future, maybe when there's a shortage of girls like 100 guys is to 1 girl, then this may be a possibility. I believe that the society should be able to accept this. Right now there're people even marrying their pets or animals. So probably marrying a robot may not seem like too far fetched an idea. If the robot can give birth too, how cool is that. haha. The last video prof showed us is about electricity cars. I do agree that in the future, we'll definitely look towards electricity cars. Right now, there're more and more hybrid cars on the roads already. If the cost comes down, and the government places policies that push for such green electricity cars, why not man. we'll no longer depend on the exorbitant petrol fuel when we can just use electricity to power our cars.

This week's presentations are the most interesting, not because I presented but may be it's due to the topic nature. Ryan presented on robotic arm and it's pretty interesting to have a robotic arm. However that arm must look exactly like a normal human arm then I would not mind getting it. Imagine with it, I can have super strength and I no longer have to go to the gym and slowly train and train but the muscles still take a long time to pop up. I presented on surface computing and I definitely want to get a microsoft surface and put it in my house living room. It'll be a good talking point when guests go to your house and you can have so much interactions and fun with it. Instead of putting a useless antique marble table that can cost up to $10000, why not just get a microsoft surface table! Gideon next talks about Airbus 2050 and it's really cool to see all the new features these airlines are trying to put in place. However, my consideration would be how expensive would it be and can people ever afford to experience it? If majority of the people can't afford it, wouldn't it be so elitist and exclusive.

Personal rating 10/10 because I presented in this lesson :)

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