Saturday, 29 October 2011

Week 10: Technology Assessment and forecasting

Hey guys, this is my 11th post right here in this learning journal blog of TWC. After going through ten solid lessons of TWC by Prof Shahi, I've really learnt a lot and gain much knowledge and insights into things that are happening right now or in the past and future. The knowledge to gain is tremendous and through this ten weeks of lessons, I've tried my best to absorb as much as I can. I believe these knowledge I gain will be beneficial in the long run and for the future. I remember there was one lesson when we talk about GM food. It so happen I was walking along the streets and I got approached by this surveyors to talk about GM food. So the surveyor asked me, " have you heard of GM food and what you know about them?" Immediately I thought of my TWC lesson and what we discussed in class, so I was well equipped to answer the surveyor and gave a good 15mins survey. My reward was a $5 voucher...:)

This week 10 wraps up this whole module and talks about forecasting and assessing whether this technology is a rising star or a falling star. I believe that in forecasting, no one can know exactly what is going to happen in the future, but one can at least try and forecast what is going to be the next big thing. In order to succeed, one need to forecast the future and create something that is new and useful that the world is going to need in future. We have to be one step ahead of the rest, we got to be the first and the best.

I like this quote given by prof, and yes we need to invent our future. Our future lies in our own hands, how we want to shape it or model it. We can go towards the path of destruction if we continue using non renewable fuel or we can go towards sustainable eco green technology. All these really depends on us humans to make the change for the better. I myself will definitely try and invent the future and make it a rising star opportunity to make money.

-The best way to predict the future is to invent it”

- Alan Kay -

Today's rating for the class is 9/10. A good rounding up end to the TWC module.

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